It is the policy of R.R.CONSTRUCTION to manage all its activities and operation in a responsible manner that protects the health and safety of its employees, contractors and public and minimizes adverse impact on the environment.
To accomplish this we will:
Ensure that all personnel, whether employee or contractors are aware of their delegated HSE responsibilities and are properly trained to undertake these.
Design and manage our activities to prevent pollution, minimize environment and health impacts and provide work place where safety hazards have been fully assessed and appropriately mitigated.
As a minimum comply with all applicable HSE legislation, regulation and standards.
Ensure that HSE protection commands equal prominence with other business consideration in the decision making process.
Fully consider local community expectations and concerns, cultural heritage, short and long term benefits and cost and liabilities.
Make this policy available both internally and externally to our stakeholders.
Strive for continuous improvement in our HSE performances and measure this by setting objectives and targets consistent with the aims of this policy.
Routinely monitor and report HSE performance to the R.R.CONSTRUCTION Board of Directors, who will ensure that the necessary resources are provided to support this policy.